About Tom Getty

My own story begins with an absolute passion in moviemaking. My first memory is of watching Ghostbusters, my second memory is of wanting to be a Ghostbuster. Because I couldn’t find a local franchise to manage in my hometown of Johnstown, PA, I chose the next logical goal: to become a great moviemaker. So, I set out to learn filmmaking.

…And subsequently ran into a series of tasks that demanded one skill after another—most of them unrelated to filmmaking. Writing, persusaion, interpersonal skills, music creation, marketing, and many more. All of which forced me to learn and study—something I was never fond of.

I just wanted to make my movies. And I would. I’d spend a year producing one, then be discouraged there was very little reception. Years of doing that, I was confronted with how important marketing is. Indeed, it’s one of the most important subjects in the world. At least, I believe so.

My interest in moviemaking though pushed me through the learning and application of various, seemingly unrelated tools and trades. You see, my passion became my key to living and learning life. The key to the world around me.

My aim is to not only share that engagement with life, but help you present your own passion to the world—whatever that may be. Whether you want to be a filmmaker, or a musician, or a chiropractor, or a teacher, or anything, you will likely have to engage a number of the subjects I cover.

- Tom Getty


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